
Sprudge is a site devoted to coffee news and culture, and you’ll get everything from updates on new coffee shop openings to coverage of coffee culture in far-off places, like Iran. They also run a site called Sprudge Wire, where they round up coffee news from around the web all in one place — a great resource if you want to know what’s happening in the world of coffee, and who is writing about it.
A glorious visual exploration of coffee culture, The Coffeetographer is set up more like a magazine, with a variety of features all about the world of independent coffee. You should also consider following The Coffeetographer on Instagram. As you may have guessed, this site is all about informing people about coffee. Maintained since 1997, there is a wealth of information here, from consumer reviews to guides to forums. If you ever have a question about coffee, this is the place to ask it.
Is your daily dose of coffee just not enough for you? Are you looking for something a little extra? Perhaps some coffee education? Or the latest gossip in the coffee industry?